Council assesses the merchant and inform SSB via DSP if client qualifies.
If merchant is approved, SSB inform the merchant about the approval and requirements for enrolment through a telephone call.
A day for enrolment will then be agreed upon by SSB Client Relations officer and a merchant. Day of enrolment: contracts, debit order form and other office documents will be signed by the lessor and the lessee (the person who applied for the food coupon device and approved by the council)
After contract signing, the CR officer will then create a profile for the enrolling merchant and give them their Merchant Reference Number (MRN).
The CR officer will then lead the merchant to Accounts for account opening and payment. NB: Payment can be in the form of cash or card swiping.
After payment, the merchant will be handed to Helpdesk/Trainer so that they can be guided on how to use the device allocated them. pulvinar dapibus leo.