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How to sell Electricity And Airtime

How to sell Electricity And Airtime

1. Merchant acquires the Telpo device by purchase or rent

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2.Require bank confirmation letter for those who want to rent the device

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3. Book with the Smart Switch Client relations Officer for enrolment

1. Merchant access the machine the PS 390 interface for prepaid services

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2. Merchant chooses which service the client wants

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3. Request electricity or airtime details from the client or customer

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4. Verify the service details that the customer provided

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5. System process the information provided

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6. Issue receipt or confirmation message to the customer

Get Started with the Electricity & Airtime machine

TPS 390

POS Airtime Vending Machine

TPS 390

IWB 250

Biometric Capability POS Machine

Smart switch IWB 250